Arşivler: Services

Ransomware: A Growing Threat and Keycyte PAM

Ransomware: A Growing Threat and Keycyte PAM

Ransomware has been around for many years, but it has become an increasingly severe threat in today’s digital landscape. Although this cyber threat has existed for nearly two decades, its impact continues to grow exponentially. It is estimated that there are currently over 120 different ransomware families, and cybercriminals have become highly skilled at concealing

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Fidye Yazılımları: Büyüyen Tehdit ve Keycyte PAM

Fidye Yazılımları: Büyüyen Tehdit ve Keycyte PAM

Fidye yazılımları, dijital dünyada uzun süredir var olmasına rağmen günümüzde hiç olmadığı kadar büyük bir tehdit haline geldi. Yaklaşık yirmi yıldır siber güvenlik uzmanlarının mücadele ettiği bu tehdit, sürekli gelişen yöntemleriyle kurumlar için ciddi bir risk oluşturuyor. Bugün, 120’den fazla fidye yazılımı ailesinin aktif olduğu tahmin ediliyor ve saldırganlar, kötü amaçlı kodları gizleme konusunda oldukça

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Password Management and Safe Storage

Password Management and Safe Storage

Password Management and Secure Storage as part of Keycyte PAM services utilizes the most advanced technologies to secure your critical accounts. Our password management solutions enable you to create difficult and complex passwords and change them regularly.

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Temporary Privilege Escalation: Take Control of Security

Temporary Privilege Escalation: Take Control of Security

Temporary Privilege Escalation is a security strategy that allows users to have higher privileges that are only required for a specific period of time or task. This strategy ensures that users only have the privileges they need and that these privileges are automatically revoked after a certain period of time. This approach minimizes security risks and increases the security of systems.

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